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Coming Back to Church

The Alpharetta Adventist Church is now fully reopened! As we begin to come back to church, we’d like to ask that you please review our in place safety measures. Welcome back!

If you're not yet comfortable returning, our Worship Service and Adult Sabbath School Class is presented LIVE each week on our YouTube page. Gather the family and tune in for a special time of worship, prayer, praise, inspiration and relevant teaching with your Alpharetta church family, and enjoy the Sabbath! ​

Please continue to keep in touch with each other, particularly our sick or elderly members. Let the church leadership know if there's anything we can do to help. We're here for you. See below for contact info.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NASB

Covid-19 Safety

Please follow the below Safety Measures that were voted by the Alpharetta Church Board, and are in line with current State of Georgia and CDC recommendations to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We’re glad to be returning to worship together as a church family! Let’s do so safely and mindful of others.

As always, our Adult Sabbath School class and Worship Service will be live streamed for your convenience.

If you're even remotely sick (including seasonal allergies), please stay home, and enjoy our live streamed service. Only return to the church facility when you’re feeling completely well and symptom-free.

In general, please maintain 6 feet of social distancing from each other on the church property, inside the building and out. Please refrain from shaking hands, hugging, etc.

In the Sanctuary, rows that are unavailable for seating have been roped off. Obviously, families can sit together on available rows, but please leave two seats between you and the next family on your row.

Masks or face coverings are encouraged, as long as the CDC recommends them in public spaces.

Wash your hands and use the hand sanitizer available throughout the church. Also you're better off never touching your face. 

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